Folder Manager

Folder Manager lets you update permissions, transfer ownership, and republish dashboards in just a few clicks - keeping everything up to date without extra work.

Installation and configuration

The Folder Manager plugin can be installed by an Admin, following the directions in Installing QBeeQ Plugins.


Operating system and version support:

  • Linux - Latest
  • Windows - Latest

Bulk Folder Actions

Admins and Folder Owners are able to change the ownership of folders or sub-folders. Performing this action will change the ownership of the selected folder(s) and any sub-folders but does not affect the ownership or permissions of the dashboard(s) within those folders.

Can change ownership for any folder
Folder Owner
Can change ownership of folders they own

To perform bulk folder actions, you must have at least 1 folder set up. The folder does is not required to have a dashboard in it. Read more about organizing Sisense dashboards into folders.


Folder Owner

The Folder Owner is not a traditional Sisense user role and is a construct strictly for managing the organization of dashboards. To locate the owner of a folder or sub-folder, hover over the folder name in the left-navigation to view the tooltip with the owner, and other information.

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Changing ownership of folders and sub-folders

To change the ownership of a folder(s) or sub-folder(s):

  1. Use the left-navigation panel to select at least one folder or sub-folder. Selecting a sub-folder will automatically select the parent folder.
  1. Click the Change Ownership icon at the bottom of the left-navigation panel

The share icon is only visible for Admin users and Folder Owners.

Change Ownership Icon
Change Ownership Icon
  1. Type the name or email address of the new owner

Folders and sub-folders are limited to a single owner. User groups are not supported.

  1. Click the Save button
  1. Confirm the change in a pop-up, which lists the affected folders, and the page will automatically refresh

Bulk Dashboard Actions

Admins and Dashboard Owners are able to change the permissions (Viewer or Designer) as well as the Dashboard ownership and co-ownership. Performing these actions will affect the selected dashboards but not affect the ownership of the folders that the dashboards may be in.

Can perform bulk dashboard actions for any dashboard
Dashboard Owner
Can perform bulk dashboard actions for only dashboards that they own
Dashboard Co-owner
Can perform bulk dashboard actions for only dashboards that they co-own

The ability to assign or change the co-owner of a dashboard is dependent on the Sisense version, and if the co-ownership feature is enabled. Read more about Sisense dashboard co-ownership.

Changing dashboard permissions

To change the permissions of a dashboard(s):

  1. Use the left-navigation panel to select at least one dashboard
  1. Click the Share (Permissions) icon at the bottom of the left-navigation panel
    1. Share Icon
      Share Icon
  1. Change the permissions for all the selected dashboards including:
    1. Add or remove users or user groups
    2. Change the permissions of individual users or user groups
      1. Can View
      2. Can Design
    3. Change the ownership or co-ownership
  1. Click the Save button

Republish dashboards

Folder Manager can be used to republish dashboard with or without changes to the permissions. To republish one or more dashboards:

  1. Use the left-navigation panel to select at least one dashboard
  1. Click the Share (Permissions) icon at the bottom of the left-navigation panel
  1. (Optional) Change permissions
  1. Check the Republish selected dashboards
  1. Click the Save button
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Last updated on August 4, 2021